01 Jul Inventory Management Metrics – July’s Free MBTN Tutorial
This month’s free access to an MBTN tutorial is Inventory Management 2: Inventory Metrics. Retailers and manufacturers typically have a significant portion of their assets tied up in inventory (finished goods, sub-assemblies, and parts). Our Inventory 2 module provides an introduction to the fundamentals of inventory management and covers the following topics:
- Calculating Demand
- Simple Forecasting
- Average Aggregate Inventory Value
- Weeks Supply
- Inventory Turnover (Inventory Turns)
- Bullwhip or Whiplash Effect
- Impact of Inventory Management on Financial Metrics
Whether you’re a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, mastering inventory management techniques can greatly improve a company’s return on assets (by lowering inventory levels) as well as customer satisfaction (by reducing stockouts). It is a challenging balance, and this tutorial will help you think more deeply about the importance of active inventory management.
The free link has expired, but check out this month’s tutorial under the Business Education Resources Blog.
Please consider exploring the following related resources:
Our complete catalog of MBTN modules
MBTN All Modules and Certifications ($99.95)
We hope you enjoy this month’s tutorial on Inventory Management Metrics.
Best regards,
Your Team at MBTN Academy
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